Saturday 29 September 2012


Halloween is almost here , and I was wondering as I was filming these tutorials if society really is ready for the woman of tomorrow or if we still see women with  opinions and "balls"as WITCHES and women with  drive and crazy ambitions as POISON for our society .

The question remains :

As countless tales and movies tell the story of these women hunted for their powers and abilities , I can't help but thinking that we are on a fabulous journey ,we've accomplished so much as women and still do .We do what men can do and we are after all, life itself.
But do we still hunt witches ?

Unfortunately the answer is yes , and here is a really sad story .

In villages across Africa, old women suspected of witchcraft are hacked to death, while young girls are mutilated to preserve their virginity. read the full article here and  realise  how happy you really are ! 

If you are well and healthy and if you have a dream ,run towards it ,may those woman give you the strength and the will power to BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE .


This character was created after the rise of feminism and so one has to wonder if  POISON IVY is the ultimate feminine villain ?
Well she was promoted as one  extreme female ecologist and she is also independent and focused on her goals .
So on one hand, we are breaking the mould with a strong feminine figure ,who fights furiously  for what she believes in and does not need the help of any man to do that and on the other hand, we have here a psychopath ready to kill humans to achieve her goals,she also uses her feminine assets against themselves to get what she wants .After all aren't we the mother of nature and aren't we suppose to create life ?
Here is the ultimate choice dolls ,WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE ? good or evil ?

My conclusion to this post is that ,the good ,the bad is ultimately a choice that belong to everybody .wether you were born male or female ,the choice is fully yours .
So what makes us villains or hero ?
well I guess that it all comes down to making the right choices .
As the witch hunters are still making the wrong choice let's ask ourselves ,why do we keep describing those strong woman as ugly old woman with long noses? 
when we are all a witch of salem inside .

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